Yesterday everything became real. We aren’t just being assessed to be approved to be adoptive parents. We WILL become parents (subject to approval of course). Our social worker decided to do our profile before the Christmas break and sent it to us yesterday. It’s a really nice write up including a few pictures (which I hate because they have me in them!). I think it really captures us well and gives a good summary of what we have to offer. Along with that she sent us some children’s profiles from another authority who need to be placed away from their
Tag: Gay
Stage 2 Assessment – Session 1
Stage 2 has officially started. We had a 2.5 hour session with the social worker talking about our relationship and support networks. We were asked questions about how we met, why we think our relationship works, how it might change when we have children, and things like that. Nothing massively intrusive, just a kind of getting to know you session. Something we were asked, which I had been expecting so was prepared for, was how to explain to the children about the fact they have two dads. Children, especially younger ones, tend to accept their family for what it is.
This week has seen some good and bad from the adoption agency. I think there may be some cracks in their seemingly well organised processes. We received an email from the ‘Training Team’ about the preparation group we are booked on next week, which detailed where it is and what time to get there, along with a brief outline of what we will be doing. It also told us we needed to have read the corresponding sections of the Adoption Workbook we’ve been given in Stage 1 to gain the full benefit. Wait. What? Adoption Workbook? What’s that then? I
Information Overload
Good news everyone! We’ve been accepted into the adoption process. What’s more, the adoption agency actually managed to reply to us within the maximum time-frame they had allotted themselves. Now the process begins in earnest. Welcome to Stage 1 of the Adoption Approval Process. We had been expecting a phone call to confirm whether or not we had been accepted by the adoption agency, the form implied it and so did the social worker we spoke to, I even chased them up via email to make sure they had received our form (still no reply to that), but in the
A New Chapter
Well… I’ve never been nervous about posting a letter before, but then I don’t think I’ve ever posted something which will change our lives in such a significant way as this will. Today’s the day we officially register our interest in starting the process of being approved for adoption. That’s a bit of a mouthful, so maybe I should just say today’s the day we enter the adoption process. Our form has been posted with a proof of posted obtained from the local post office, and now we wait for a ‘maximum of 5 working days’ to get a response. We are
Starting to start our family
I’ve never really thought about writing a blog before, mostly because I haven’t really had anything worthwhile to write about, until now at least. My partner and I are a gay couple and we are about to start the process of applying to adopt. I have always wanted to have children, but had pretty much given up on the idea because I am gay, I know in this day and age there are options available for having biological children but something never really sat right for me with those, so we have discounted them as a possibility. After looking into it some, we